Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On Tha Down Low!

A quick post to try out this new format. . .

Surely if Cee-Lo Green had ever heard Divine's "Psychedellic Shack", that mother would've been on the Gnarles Barkley album in an instant.

Really, "Gone Daddy, Gone"? Really?

1 comment:

Drumtron 2001 said...

Whoa, dude, that's totally fuckin' weird that you mention Divine... right now I'm listening to Jungle Jezebel and Divine is yelling "Great Googly-Moogley! They're serving me up hot!!!"

Did I tell you that Divine was in that Kris Kristofferson movie I was telling you about? It's all on my blog.

I'm freaked out right now.

"Open sesame!!!! Open Frito-Lay!!!"

"You wimp, you wimp, say who you callin' a blimp? I ain't your Aunt Jemima, and honey, you ain't my pimp!!!"