Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bung Tea

I know you've seen the video from the "band" Ming Tea for the song called "BBC" . If you need a refresher, it's the band from the Austin Powers movie. Austin Powers is their singer.

Did you feel uncomfortable when you saw that? Did you want to say, "Hey, Mike Meyers, I think you're being a bit too serious here. You're not a singer in a rock band. You're acting like this might be a big hit for you. It will not. Don't make me frown at you." Did it make you feel a little weird, huh?

Well, multiply that feeling by ten fucking million and that's how I feel when I hear "Pride & Joy" by Coverdale/Page. Does David Coverdale have any idea how rediculious he sounds trying to sound like Robert Plant? He got enough greif from it in Whitesnake; having Jimmy Page next to you and wearing a puffy shirt/vest combo does not help. You made me pull off the road and really listen, really CONCENTRATE on how pathetic it was when it came on the radio.

Please, David Coverdale, cease and desist. You don't see Plant wearing gossamer gowns and flaunting his man boobs on the hood of a Camaro like Tawny Katain. Unless you were in Istanbul in May of 2002, and I don't think you were.

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