"Bow Tie Daddy", from The Mothers Of Invention's We're Only In It For The Money
We had this whole album re-conceptualized, with different members of the music faculty of the university we attended doing different tracks (for those considering college, imagine thinking up things like that last sentence; getting crushes on blossoming lesbians; and poisoning every organ of your body, including your skin, with clear alcohols mixed with Welch's Strawberry soda. Sault.). I can't remember who was picked for this little ditty, but my current choice would be Henry Runkles. He'd be in a white dinner jacket with a blue silk shirt, one lit Winston in his hand, nineteen more bulging out his breast pocket. This is probably how he'll look in his coffin, too (Good Lord, did I write that? ).
What makes this song work, if not the whole album, is it's sincerity. Yes, the whole album is a parody of the different cultures co-existing in California. Yes, Zappa probably despised Tin Pan Alley-type wooing tunes. Zappa had, however, 1)broad influences throughout his youth, and 2)musical ability to pull the essence of those types into his own style.
The prelude to this track, "Telephone Conversation", involves someone, apparently a father, ready to "bump off" Zappa. Two paranoid ladies chat about him, trying not to get too freaked out. And then "daddy"'s music comes on, with the appropriate timbre but lyrics that paint the "bow tie daddy" as out of touch and somewhat hypocritical. Also an out-of-place guitar part doubles along with the vocals, nearly drowning out the more suited backing track. Poor daddy, perhaps, but mommy gets hers next, with "Harry, You're A Beast", a song about out of touch and hypocritical women (Zappa loved this song so much, he would later fill his catalogue with about twenty billion more tunes about out of touch, hypocritical women).
In conclusion: Daddy is a beast. Mommy is a beast. Harry is a beast. Harry Runkles, however, is a saint. He was going to play piano on an arrangement I was going to do of "Duke of Prunes". He even sang a bit of it! He would have been perfect.
Monday, June 26, 2006
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It's like the day that I decided that we were gonna cover "Alien Lanes". I mapped it all out on five sheets of paper and thought that we could switch instruments and learn the fucked up parts of the songs and play it at Clunk's.
Yeah right. They wouldn't have let us back on stage after that douche bag band laughed at us. Our problem was that we didn't stand out in the parking lot enough. And our hair wasn't bed-heady enough.
Viva Indie Rock!!!
If we had performed "Money" with the faculty, we would have had to end the show by exploding a maggot-filled dead dog all over the frat boys in the front five rows.
That would have made them earn their fuckin' Music Lit points!
I love you, man.
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