The Moody Blues, however, got their midlife-crisis one-off out there like a pro with "In Your Wildest Dreams", a mauldin look back with some young guys posing as them in the video (John Stamos was too busy learning transindental meditation to appear). Released in 1986, you know the Mellotrons were replaced with a Korg or two at this point. Fair enough.
But it's 1987, and you're playing live for the BBC, for some reason, and you open with "Tuesday Afternoon", and it sounds like the title must refer to a tone in your Casio's sound bank under the "Synth Lead" subheading; fretless bass? Sequenced keytar parts? Drums so synthed out that Johnny 5 has a hard pecker? Yuck. At least Stamos played a real set of bongos.
The Moody Blues were a pretty revered band in Britain; do those blokes over there see "In Your Wildest Dreams" the same way we proud Americans see the uber-stoopid "Kokomo"? Someone from across the pond should respond to this. I'll read it right after I cut off my pinkie for FREAKING DEFENDING JOHN STAMOS.